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You may not already know this but at the time of writing (and probably for the the longer term future), Just Another Footy Blog is a one man run operation where I put all my time and effort into creating, maintaining, uploading, tweaking and everything in between by myself and this explains in a little bit more detail exactly that.

Just Another Footy Blog

It's Just Me, Myself And I

Buy Me A Coffee - If you want to :-)

Just Another Footy Blog

Ignore the title you really don't have to, but of course I would be grateful if you did.

Quite a few years ago now, my wife became very ill and at the time we had no clue as to what the issue was or how this could be fixed.

So the long journey to getting answers coincided with me having to leave my job as a full-time warehouse supervisor to become a full-time carer to my partner.

With this brought an uncertainty as to what the future held for both my partner and my career.

As things progressed it became quite clear that my role was to switch to a more full-time carer, Dad, house-husband, partner and other things as required which was unexpected but a challenge we as a family happily embraced.

But something was missing. Something to fill the gaps and time where I wasn't required. To do something outside of my new role that I could get my teeth into.

I always had a love for technology and anyone who knows me also knows I have a crazy love for football.

So I decided I was going to try and mix the two together and came up with the idea of building a football website/blog to share my passion, while at the same time filled those gaps I mentioned earlier.

I'd never built a website before and didn't know if it was something I could achieve. 

But I decided to give it a go and it brings me to where I am today
Just Another Footy Blog.

It's my little baby, my project, my new found passion. And I've made mistakes, I'll continue to make mistakes, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if there are a ton of mistakes I haven't even noticed.

But I love it and it fits into the new me and the new way of living for me and my family perfectly.

Everything you see on this website has been added by me, from all the league tables sourced from other websites, to the sports quizzes created and added by me.

I invest all my spare time in this little project and of course at the start for no return (I have earned 26p from a chocolate bar someone brought), but one day I hope it can make a second income for me and my family.

So if you fancy buying me a coffee for the work invested then please do, I can assure any money received is going straight back into my JAFB project to continue to add and improve my website every minute, hour, day, week, month of the year.

If you've come this far then you really do need to give yourself a pat on the back but I just wanted to give a little insight into why Just Another Footy Blog exists and why it's a little break from the day to day norm I wouldn't change for the world (they are my biggest inspiration into all I have and will achieve with this site).


A few things I do

  • Source all stats and data to add to the website whether that's via html code or manually typing up information

  • Every picture, element, text, font change, icon, links, pages, quizzes, stats, picture designs, you get the idea have all been added or created by me.

  • Blog posts which I feel add interesting content to the site

  • Sports quizzes (mainly football) are created on another website before being added here

  • Stoqued - a brand name I came up with to add a little artistic creation to football related content mainly in the form of prints but which I'm spreading out across other areas too

  • Social media - I'm always looking at ways of creating more interactive content and have now added social media as a platform to share my passion. This includes Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and a soon to be released YouTube channel

  • Stats - this is an area I've only just started looking into, but is something I am looking at adding and improving on what already exists

  • Website design - this was, is and always will be one of my biggest challenges as I had and have no experience in this field. But I love a challenge and this is something I have become better and will continue to do so in the future too

  • I will continue to look at ways of improving the site so this list will naturally increase as the website improves

Finally as with many of us our family drives and inspires us in many things we do and without my wonderful family (see the picture above) behind me to support me, none of this would be possible.

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